Friday, March 13, 2009

Tentative first steps!

After much consideration and deliberation, I have finally decided to take the plunge...of creating my own blog. I have, for long, resisted the urge to blog, for several reasons - that I am a private person, do people really have the time or the inclination in this frenzied world to read what other people have to say, who really wants to read about what I think anyways, etc. etc. But today, I am a convert...

Blogs, and blogging, seem to have captured the world's imagination like never before! It is quite something to behold the flow of thoughts, the amazing articulateness of the bloggers and the passionate zeal with which they advocate their pet causes. It really is miraculous how people in different parts of the world reach out and connect through the blogosphere on a one-to-one basis over a universal human emotion or occurence. I remember reading a blog by a well loved blogger, about her mother's impending visit to her (till then) bachelorette pad (am not really tech savvy, else would have posted a really is a gem! Promise to put up a link as soon as i can figure out how) and the commiseration by fellow bloggers and followers all over the world! Reminds me of a good old adda session, to use a typically Bengali term - basically a discussion about nothing in particular, where people get together and talk about anything and everything under the sun, where the discussion expands to include friends, friends of friends, and then their friends, and where soon enough, anyone who has an opinion on anything has an attentive, interactive audience...and the best takeaway of all this? the friends you make...

Closer home, I think one of the best examples of the blogospere getting people closer together is an initiative called India Helps, started by a blogger and a concerned citizen. This initiative, initially meant to bring together people who wanted to do something concrete after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, has now blossomed into a full fledged organisation, comprised of an army of well meaning, earnest individuals bound together by their common belief in a society that is truly more equal. Being a part of this amazing organisation makes me proud, the power of the blogospere in getting so many like minded people together humbles me and makes me a believer, and now, also a convert! :-)

There, that wasn't too short for a first post, was it?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey congrats on your first blog, or haate khori as we say in Bangla

    Yes blogging is like a good adda and is very, very addictive

  3. @ the knife - thanks for the encourgement! i agree, blogging is rather addictive...though the lack of posts on my blog for the past six months would hardly be indication. the encouragement helped, though :-)
