Monday, December 21, 2009

Change in the offing

Yes, gentle reader...change is in the offing. And no, I am not talking about the imminent change of year and decade that is a mere 10 days away (though that too has had a role to play in the change that this post is about).

The change that I talk about is the change in the layout, design, title and theme of this blog. The ongoing process of change, I would like to believe, mirrors, to a certain extent, the change that's happening with moi. Why this sudden spouting of philosophy, you ask? Well hang in there, and you shall be told all in the more detailed post that follows on this topic. But the long and short of it is that I have often wondered what to write about, given that there is so much that I have wanted to say at any given point of time. So now, I have decided to streamline things a little and in this blog, focus on the life of the single, footloose and fancyfree in urban India.

Over the past four years or so, having met several young people staying away from home by choice and totally enjoying the experience, as well as the freedom, trials, tribulations and reality check(s) that come with it, I suppose it's time to reach out to others like us, and what better mode that hang on tight, 'coz we're ready to take off!

Happy reading!

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